How to use bloom filter to build a large in memory cache in Java 2

  • Bloomfilter is designed as an array(A) of m bits. Initially all these bits are set to 0.
To add item:
  • In order to add any item, it needs to be feed through k hash functions. Each hash function will generate a number which can be treated as a position of the bits array and we shall set that value of that position to 1. For example - first hash function (hash1) on item I produce a bit position x, similarly second and third hash functions produce position y and z.

    A[x] = A[y] = A[z] = 1

To find item:
  • Similar process will be repeated, item will be hashed three times through three different hash functions. Each hash function will produce an integer which will be treated as a position of the array. We shall inspect those x, y, z positions of the bit array and see if they are set to 1 or not. If no, for sure no one ever tried to add this item into bloomfilter, but if all the bits are set, it could be a false positive.
To design a good bloomfilter we need to keep track of the following things:
  • Good hash functions that can generate wide range of hash values as quickly as possible
  • The value of m (size of the bit array) is very important. If the size is too small, all the bits will be set to 1 quickly and false positives will grow largely
  • Number of hash functions(k) is also important so that the values get distributed evenly
The formula to calculate k and m:
m = -nlogp / (log2)^2
where p = desired false positive probability
The formula to determine k (number of hash functions):
k = m/n log(2)
where k = number of hash functions, 
m = number of bits and 
n = number of items in the filter
  • Hashing is an are which affects the performance of bloomfilter. We need to choose a hash function that is effective yet not time consuming.

  • We can use two hash functions to generate K number of hash functions.

    First we need to calculate two hash function h1(x) and h2(x)
    Next, we can use these two hash functions to simulate k hash functions of the nature gi(x) = h1(x) + ih2(x), where i can range from {1...k}
    long hash64 = ...; // calculate a 64 bit hash function
    // split it in two halves of 32 bit hash values
    int hash1 = (int) hash64; 
    int hash2 = (int) (hash64 >>> 32);
    // Generate k different hash functions with a simple loop
    for (int i = 1; i <= numHashFunctions; i ++)
        int nextHash = hash1 + i * hash2;
